Renewable Energy Certificate
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  Online Payment Gateway User Manual   The GSTIN details of Central Agency

Dear Madam/Sir,

Presently, the fees and charges for issuance of RECs are being made at the time of submission of the online application for issuance of RECs. It is now being proposed that all fees and charges shall be paid by the eligible entity only after receiving the confirmation e-mail regarding completeness of the applications and payment of requisite fees and charges to the Registry. (w.e.f. 20-Sep-2017)

The procedure for issuance of RECs to the Eligible Entities includes the following:

  • Step-1: The eligible entity shall apply for Issuance of REC on the Web Based Application as per the details given in the Energy Injection Report (EIR issued by the SLDC / Recommendation of SERC for issuance of RECs) and shall also submit the same information in physical form to the Central Agency. The online application shall be acceptable by the Central Agency only if complete in all respect. The physical application for issuance of certificate shall include:
    • Energy Injection Report (EIR) for RE projects /Recommendation of SERC for issuance of RECs for distribution licensee.
    • Print out of online application duly signed and stamped by Authorized Signatory.
    • Commissioning Certificate for RE Generator, only for issuance for the first month after registration
  • Step-2: After receipt of physical application for issuance of renewable energy certificates from the Eligible Entity, the Central Agency shall undertake a preliminary scrutiny to ensure that the Application Form is complete in all respect along with necessary documents.
  • Step-3: After conducting the preliminary scrutiny, the Central Agency shall intimate in writing to the Applicant for submission of any further information or clarification, if necessary, to further consider the application for issuance of Renewable Energy Certificates or reject the application.
  • Step-4: After the verification (preliminary scrutiny) of physical application by the Central Agency, the fee & charges towards issuance of RECs shall be made by the eligible entity only through online payment gateway.
  • Step-5: The Central Agency shall issue RECs after receipt of fee & charges from the Eligible Entity.

Central Agency

Total Energy Injection and REC Details
Total RECs Issued Till Date: 8931
Total Valid RECs: 0
Total RECs Redeemed: 8931
Total RECs Expired: 0
Total Injected Power Till Date: 8934.51 MWh
Total Energy Available: 0 MWh