The RRF Mechanism came into force from 15.07.2013. It requires Wind and Solar energy generators to
forecast & schedule generation on a Day-Ahead basis with provision for revisions. The primary objective
behind forecasting and scheduling is that Wind and Solar power are dependent on prevailing weather
conditions and are thus difficult to control and predict. It thus becomes necessary for grid operators to
predictably know what is going to be the output from such sources for the next day, so that grid stability
is not compromised by substantial under-injection or over-injection.
An error within 30% (both –ve &+ve) is tolerated, beyond which a penalty is applicable
in link with the UI Mechanism. However due to flaws, the commercial settlement mechanism is
currently under suspension, while Forecasting & Scheduling is still mandatory till date.
1. Applicability: Wind farms with collective capacity of 10 MW & above with connectivity at 33kV
& above, and Solar plants of 5 MW & above with connectivity at 33kV & above. Pooling sub-
stations commissioned on/after 03.05.2010.
2. Forecasting & Scheduling: Day-Ahead forecast & schedule to be provided to SLDC. Rescheduling
possible through maximum eight Revisions for 6 time blocks ahead for same day. All Schedules
and Revisions to be provided for all 15 minutes time blocks in a day.
3. Role of Coordinating Agency: Represents pooling Substation, and manage scheduling, metering
and energy accounting. De-pooling of the commercial settlement to be carried out on a weekly
basis in coordination with the generators, state and concerned SLDC.
IEGC 2010 envisages plan for improved grid discipline and accountability by mandating
Wind & Solar Forecasting & Scheduling, through implementation of the RRF Mechanism by 01.01.2011.
CERC extends RRF implementation by 01.01.2012.
Procedures for implementation of RRF laid down
CERC approves the detailed procedure of RRF and gives direction for its implementation from 15.07.2013.
CERC: Suspension of the Commercial Settlement Mechanism to continue till further notice.
CERC Inter State Forecasting, Scheduling and Imbalance Handling Mechanism 2015: From 1st November 2015.
Forecasting Services
1. Coordination Protocol with the Client and the Project Developer.
2. Initial analysis, study of historical generation of the project and setting up a forecasting model.
3. Day Ahead Forecast & Intra Day Forecast.
4. Collection of static and dynamic data from the Project site for developing and calibrating
forecast model.
Scheduling, energy accounting, de-pooling, reconciliation and settlement
1. Scheduling of power for the SS, to be sent to SLDC
2. Energy Accounting of actual energy generated
3. De-pooling and reconciliation of energy accounts w.r.t. actual energy generated.
4. Weekly settlement of Net Obligation.
Additional Servicest
1. Daily report to the Client summarizing the final forecast of previous day vis-à-vis actual
generation and implication of UI under RRF mechanism.
2. Weekly report to the Client summarizing the final forecast of week vis-à-vis actual generation
and implication of UI under RRF mechanism.
Our portfolio
1. 1100 MW of Wind Power, over 30 Sub-Stations across 6 states in India, for which
we are providing our Forecasting and Scheduling services.
2. We have been in this domain since the implementation of RRF regulation in July 2013,
with close to 18 months of experience in forecasting & scheduling and coordination with all
3. We are also looking to provide similar services to the solar sector,
which has recently picked up pace, and is expected to experience healthy growth in the years to come.
Forecasting Methodologies
1. 1100 MW of Wind Power, over 30 Sub-Stations across 6 states in India, for which
we are providing our Forecasting and Scheduling services.
2. We have been in this domain since the implementation of RRF regulation in July 2013,
with close to 18 months of experience in forecasting & scheduling and coordination with all
We have been felicitated with the ‘Wind Facilitator of the Year’ award
at the 4th Wind IPP Summit Awards 2014, held on 13th November in New Delhi.