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Renewable Energy Certificates

RECs offers a unique opportunities for renewable energy producers to unbundle the physical electricity and environmental attributes (aka REC). While the physical energy can be sold at par with conventional electricity in open market, RECs can be sold separately through a market based mechanism. RECs can help RE generators create an additional pool of revenue and hence better IRRs. We are India's largest REC trading company since 2012 and offer services related with entire REC lifecycle to RE generators. Our services includes support in obtaining Accreditation, Registration, Issuance and Trading at power exchanges (IEX & PXIL).....

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Renewable Purchase Obligation

Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) is an instrument through which every consumer of electricity is mandated to consume certain % of energy from renewable energy sources. Since tracking every consumer is practically not possible, the obligation is passed on to power distribution companies (represents majority of consumer base), captive consumers (who meets part/full power requirements through their own generation) and open-access users (consumers procuring power from open market). We at REConnect are working with large number of bulk electricity consumers to help them assess RPO liabilities, plan procurement of green energy or RECs.....

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Wind & Solar Power Forecasting & Scheduling

Knowing how much power your wind or solar power plant would generate over next few days holds many advantages. For example, it can help you optimize O&M activities, better power sales strategies, keep a closer watch on power plant's performance and to also meet regulatory compliance. We at REConnect are using patented technology and state of the art algorithms based on machine learning to carry out wind/solar power forecast. Our fully integrated web-based platform not only helps clients to keep closer to real-time watch on forecast performance but to also have better control on project's overall performance.....

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Electricity Portfolio Management

Power market is constantly evolving. Evolving for good, where bulk consumers can now select their choice of supply either through power exchanges, inter-state open-access, intra-state bilateral trade or using available roof-space to generate solar power. But choosing a right option can get messier if a corporate holds industrial facilities in many different states with each facility having a peculiar power requirements. Great variations in state specific power policies can add up the complexity. If you are a corporate like this, REConnect is the perfect partner you can engage with. We offer services starting from budgeting, planning, procurement (PX, Bilateral, RE, Off-Grid) and execution.....

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