This tool gives roof-top owners a preliminary estimate of how much energy can be produced from their roofs. Tool is best for somebody beginning their journey in Solar roof-top.
Use the tool on the map to draw the area of the rooftop or enter manually in the Rooftop Details section below.

Lease Portal
Proposed Solar System Size 00.00
Valuation of Your Solar System 00.00
Share of Solar in Your Monthly Consumption 00.00
Total Upfront Cost 00.00
Average Annual Savings 00.00
Average Total Savings after 25 Years 00.00
Cost of Installation 00.00
Total Operation and Maintenance Cost 00.00
Settlement over 25 Years 00.00
Expenditure after 25 Years with Solar 00.00
Expenditure after 25 Years without Solar 00.00
Total Savings after 25 Years 00.00
Trees Planted per Year 00.00
Reduced Carbon Emission in 25 Years 00.00